I had always wanted to visit Oxford.
On our first day there, hey.... is that not Waldo? So all this time, Waldo is in Oxford?? :D

A former prison set in a medieval castle (Oxford Castle), this is now a boutique hotel.

Our guide, King Stephen. This was a jolly good way to learn history! From Wikipedia: Stephen (c. 1092/6 – 25 October 1154), often referred to as Stephen of Blois, was a grandson of William the Conqueror. He was King of England from 1135 to his death, and also the Count of Boulogne in right of his wife. Stephen's reign was marked by the Anarchy, a civil war with his cousin and rival, the Empress Matilda.

The Radcliffe Camera, the most popular building in Oxford. Too bad it was not open for a visit! The building is the earliest example in England of a circular library. From Wikipedia: The Radcliffe Camera (Camera, meaning "room" in Latin, as does कमरा (kam'ra) in Hindi; colloquially, "Rad Cam" or "The Camera") is a building of Oxford University, England, designed by James Gibbs in neo-classical style and built in 1737–1749 to house the Radcliffe Science Library. It is sited to the south of the Old Bodleian, north of St. Mary's Church, and between Brasenose College to the west and All Souls College to the east. J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings, remarked that the building resembled Sauron's temple to Morgoth on Númenor.

That little wooden door, in the garden at Oxford's Christchurch, reminded me of the door from the movie 'Secret Garden'.

Harry Potter's Hogwarts' stairways!

Oxford University offers its students interest-free loans for bicycles. The town is a bicycles' galore!